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4 Important Tips for When Your Dog is Feeling Under the Weather

Writer's picture: HSNTHSNT

**This blog post is not a substitute for professional veterinary help.**

One of the most stressful times for both dog owners and their dogs is when our furry friends are sick. Dog owners have to find ways for them to nurse their dogs back to health. They have to ensure that they have done this with minimal amounts of stress through vet visits, transport, and boarding.

Like humans, dogs have their sick days that don’t necessarily warrant expensive vet visits. They may have eaten something that didn't agree with their stomach, or they just got back from a vet visit and the vaccines have made them sensitive and uneasy. If your pup isn’t showing serious symptoms of illness (i.e., excessive vomiting, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, etc.), then read on to learn about what you can do in the short term to nurse them back to health.

Allow Your Dog To Rest

It is important to note that sick dogs require more rest than they usually do. That means you should be limiting their play time and walks.

Like humans, a sick dog’s immune system is already weakened, and rigorous exercise will further aggravate this situation. However, as they’ve recovered some strength, it’s fine to take them for a casual walk in the evening (make sure it’s not too hot or cold!). This ensures proper blood circulation and is essential in speeding up the recovery process.

Make Your Dog Comfortable

There are many things you can do to ensure that your dog is comfortable. One of the most common ones includes getting a humidifier or a heating pad for the dog’s bed.

In addition, get meals that can be digested easily or get soft foods. You can also break the usual meals into smaller portions and feed the dog more frequently.

If you realize that your dog is in constant pain, you can consult a veterinarian for advice on the best painkillers you should get. In addition, ensure that your dog is not too cold or hot since this can worsen the sickness.

Ensure Your Dog is Hydrated

Your dog should be hydrated at all times, especially when under the weather. If you find your dog reluctant to drink from their normal bowl, setting up a water fountain may entice them to drink. If your dog seems weak, you may want to add a few drops of electrolytes specifically designed for dogs. If your dog has been suffering from diarrhea, it’s a clear-cut sign to pay the vet a visit, because diarrhea can quickly dehydrate a dog.

Be Aware of Symptom Changes

When your dog is unwell, the first thing you need to do is to find out what it is suffering from. Of course, you also need to find out the symptoms of the sickness. Some common symptoms include loss of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting.

You need to look out for any changes in these symptoms. In addition, check out for new symptoms. Changes in symptoms might indicate a secondary illness.

3 Things Every Pet Owner Should Know

When to Talk to Your Veterinarian About Trying an Alternative Treatment (e.g. CBD Oil)

Your dog has been unwell for some time now. You have tried different treatments but the condition is not changing. What should you do? Should you talk to your veterinarian about trying an alternative treatment?

If you are not seeing any changes, it might be time to treat your dog with CBD oil. CBD oils play a crucial role in alleviating ailments in dogs. In addition, they help dogs suffering from conditions such as anxiety, pain, seizures, and inflammatory problems, among others.

However, make sure that you have consulted a veterinarian before you start using CBD oils on your dog.

Allow Your Dog to Eat Grass

Did you know that grass is good for your dog, especially when it is sick? Grass is considered one of the best instinctual remedies for sick dogs. You should not worry if you notice that your dog vomits after eating grass, and don’t prevent them from eating it, to begin with.

Instead, follow the instincts of your dog. If they feel like feeding on grass, let them. As long as there are no pesticides or unsafe chemicals present, they should be fine.

Do Not Forget About Preventive Care

When your dog is unwell, do not forget about their usual preventative care. This might include things such as heartworm prevention, flea and tick medication, and vaccinations.

Monthly heartworm prevenatative, vaccines and other recommendations made by your vet will improve the health of your dog and ensure that their condition does not get worse. In addition, follow your veterinarian’s advice when treating your dog. Follow the prescriptions and give them all of the medication you are offered by your trusted vat.

A dog is often described as man’s best friend. It makes sense for us to get worried when our dogs are unwell. Fortunately, there are a number of resources to help your dog feel better in no time.

HSNT - Pets and People, Saving Each Other®

HSNT’s mission is to act as an advocate on behalf of all animals and to ensure their legal, moral and ethical consideration and protection; to provide for the well-being of animals who are abandoned, injured, neglected, mistreated or otherwise in need; to promote an appreciation of animals; and to instill respect for all living things.

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a day ago

Great tips for taking care of a sick pup. I'd add that giving them extra love and attention can really help too. You know what's cool? There are online vet services now, like, that can give you advice without leaving home. They're super handy when you're not sure if you need to go to the vet or not. Plus, they can sometimes prescribe meds online. It's like having a vet in your pocket!

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