Bones' Story
I have always had a huge heart for dogs, but for some reason, I was always drawn to Border Collies and Australian Shepherds. As I scrolled through the HSNT webpage looking for a dog, I was drawn to this one named “Bones,” so when I showed up to the Keller HSNT, I went looking for him.
I didn’t find him until I got to the last kennel, and there he was lying in the corner, sad as can be. When I asked to meet Bones, the staff told me he had only been there for four days, but was so shut down, he would barely eat or drink. When I first met him, he was so scared. Like a big ole 70lb dog just cowering and shaking in fear. He was so confused as to where he was at. He didn’t understand why he was at the shelter.
He was 4 years old, and his owner prior to that had him since he was a little puppy and had to surrender him due to being ill and not being able to take care of him. I spent about 30 minutes with him in one of the meet-and-greet rooms and he started to open up and wanted to actually be a dog. After that, I asked a staff member if we could take him out to the yard to see what he would do. They were apprehensive at first and kept the leash on him worried they wouldn’t be able to catch him because he’d been so scared. He started to come more and more out of his shell. He wanted to run around, sniff things, and the staff said that was the first time they had seen his tail be up.
I knew at that moment I wasn't going to leave HSNT without Bones. He was me in a nutshell. A misunderstood dog who was so confused by the world. Needless to say, he’s been spoiled ever since! He has been with us since February and is loving life now. He loves getting in the car and loves loves loves cuddles.
To our discovery, he’s actually a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees. Thank you HSNT for giving us the amazing opportunity to adopt Brady and giving him the best life possible