Zara's Story
I saw Zara was up for adoption at the Benbrook Waggin Tails Adoption Center and immediately knew I wanted to adopt her. After a one hour drive to Benbrook, I told the
front desk I was there for Zara to which they said she was the little kitty cat hiding in the litter box. Im thinking- ‘oh great- litter box??’. Zara still managed to win me over—after we got her out from the litter box!
Zara has been such a joy to have in my home. She likes to have the bed made every day so she can lay and take naps in her “spot” curled up against the pillows. I have to feed Zara 3 times a day, (the spoiled little thing gets breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
Zara is a FABULOUS traveler! She will sit on my lap and get rather comfy on our 3 hour drives to Oklahoma. She’s always liked to have a place to curl up! I’m so happy I was able to find Zara and provide her with a home and love for the rest of her life. We’re coming up on her one year adoption day, and believe me, we’ll celebrate!!!