Ollie's Story
We had recently lost our 12 year old dog, Mickey, rather suddenly to cancer. We had tried everything to save her– two transfusions and chemotherapy, but her bone marrow just wasn't recovering fast enough. When she passed, something was definitely missing– there was a hole. We decided we would adopt a puppy when we found the right one.
We saw Ollie on Facebook and decided I should go meet her. The write up made me believe that she was a sweet, mellow spirit, and in her eyes I saw kindness.
I went to meet her the next morning- and while I stood outside waiting for HSNT's Benbrook Waggin Tails Adoption Center to open, I met a lovely woman who was there to adopt another dog for her family. As we waited for the shelter to open, it was wonderful to talk with someone who was as excited as I was, to possibly be meeting a new family member (she left with Chiquita!!!).
When I met Ollie, I loved her instantly. The employee said she would give me some time with her, but I asked for the paperwork immediately! She was ours.
Since adopting her, she has just gotten better and better. She thinks everyone loves her (why wouldn't they!?), so has had to learn her boundaries. She is uber smart, and sleeps quietly through the night in her crate, with no accidents! How amazing is that? Our other pets are all finally relaxing with her, as she is learning that not everyone wants to play all the time, lol.
She isn't allowed to play with the horses or donkeys, because she is completely unafraid, and we don't want her to get hurt. We will teach her when she is a little older and more focused.
Ollie is adored and loved by everyone!! She is helping us all heal and we are so grateful to HSNT for bringing her into our lives. Such a wonderful, smart and sweet soul! She's out little miracle. Thank you HSNT!